Rick Campana Ministries is a conservative, evangelical, non-charismatic, and denominationally unaffiliated ministry institution within the dispensational, premillennial tradition. RCM maintains a central commitment to the authority and sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures, and upholds the basic orthodox doctrines of the historic Protestant Christian faith.
I. We believe that there is only one God, Creator of heaven and earth, who exists eternally in three equal persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
II. We believe that the Old and New Testament Scriptures are the inspired Word of God, written under the guidance of the Holy Spirit without error in the words of the original documents and providentially preserved as the supreme authority for faith and life.
III. We believe that human beings were specially created by God to be perfect bearers of His image, but that through sin they alienated themselves from Him. Consequently, they have inherited a nature incapable of pleasing God and have incurred the certainty of physical death and the prospect of eternal punishment.
IV. We believe that Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God and second person of the Godhead, added humanity to His deity when He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He is therefore fully divine and fully human.
V. We believe that Jesus Christ, being without sin, died as the substitute for sinful humanity, and that His death is sufficient both to satisfy the justice of an offended holy God and to reconcile sinners to Him. We believe that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead bodily and ascended in that form into heaven, where He is presently interceding for His own as High Priest and Advocate.
VI. We believe that sinners are forgiven, reconciled to God, kept by Him, and granted eternal life as a gift of His grace, which they receive by faith alone in the crucified and risen Savior, Jesus Christ. We believe that all who trust Him are born of the Holy Spirit and thereby become the children of God.
VII. We believe that the Church, the spiritual body of Christ inaugurated by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, is distinct from God’s plan for Israel, and consists solely of those who have trusted Jesus Christ for salvation. We believe that its members are indwelt by the Holy Spirit from the moment of conversion and are enabled by Him to glorify the Lord Jesus by living godly lives, strengthening one another, and making disciples throughout all nations.
VIII. We believe that Jesus Christ will receive the Church into His presence at any time. Then follows a period of judgment climaxed by the personal and physical return of Christ to the earth to establish His sovereign rule of righteousness and peace for a thousand years.
IX. We believe that both believers and unbelievers will be raised from the dead bodily, believers to conscious eternal blessedness in God’s presence and unbelievers to conscious eternal punishment and separation from Him.
For more information contact
Naples Bible Fellowship:
141Muirfield Circle
Naples, Florida 34113
(239) 595-3669